The Design & Critical Thinking Community update

Hi everyone,
Here’s what happened in the community this first week of 2022.
On Tuesday, we discussed design practice (and practising design) and the misunderstanding around the importance of methods & the importance of context, the trend around Systemic Design and systems thinking, the Design Council’s report on Systemic Design, and many more… 🌟
On Thursday, we had our first session in french and we discussed the multiplicity of “Design” and the different disciplines & practices in this field, as well as the trend around Systemic Design and Systems Thinking. We talked about philosophy(ies), definitions, and concepts around Design and innovation, as well as critical thinking. We also discuss the importance of writing to help thinking and to create a medium for interactions.
- 📆 Participate in our next events 👉
- 🍻Join the community on Slack 👉
Wish you a wonderful week and see you next week! đź‘‹
Kevin from Design & Critical Thinking.

Virtual Chalet, Tuesday 4 January 2022
Design Practice, Theory, Methods | Systemic Design & Systems Thinking. Watch here or listen here.

Chalet Virtuel (en français), jeudi 6 janvier 2022
Design Systémique, Philosophies & Pratiques de Design & d’Innovation, Écriture, Collaboration et Émergence. À regarder ici ou écouter ici.