Take part in a micro-narratives research experiment
Are you a novice in the field of design (UX or otherwise)? Are you an experienced designer? Or anything in between?
How do you make sense of your experience of becoming a designer?
Many enter the field of design because of various factors, for a career change, by accident, or simply because it is the most obvious choice to them. This experience is unequal in its uniqueness to each individual but also, at the same time, shared in many ways through communities and groups. This is an interesting tension to investigate.
This survey’s purpose is to make sense of individual stories about “becoming a designer” and create a shared understanding of them.
Sprockler Collector
Une version francophone du questionnaire est disponible : ouvrez le lien ci-dessus puis, en haut à droite, cliquez sur le menu déroulant "English".
Thanks in advance for your help!